A liposculpture of the face and the neck is a fine, simple procedure. It is directed to remodelling fat deposits that accumulate under the chin and around the neck conveying a younger appearance.
The procedure is performed with special micro cannulas. Extracted fat can be adequately treated and grafted to other areas of the face.

A smooth graceful neckline enhances the beauty of the face and conveys a sense of refinement and elegance.
Some people, for congenital predisposition, tend to accumulate fat in the sub mental area.
With a liposuction it is possible to achieve tremendous results if the skin has good elasticity.

Popular culture and fashion dictate an idealized feminine form with perfectly smooth thighs and small, firm buttocks. Women seek surgery to achieve this idealized form that few normally have beyond their teenage years.
Consequently liposuction is the most frequently requested Plastic Surgery procedure.

The unsightly distribution of body fat is genetically determined. Each individual has an inborn tendency to deposit fat, in different proportions, in particular areas of the body, such as in the hips or abdomen.

The right volume and proportion of adipose tissue distribution is fundamental in the aesthetic of the human body.

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